Drug Free Nation

Posted: November 7, 2010 in Uncategorized

Drug Free Nation (DFN) is a newly established, non-profitable organization that has been registered with social welfare department of Government. It began to work officially in the month of October, 2010. Its aim is to build healthy nation focusing on drug abuse prevention. It has following projects to work upon. Siratay Mustaqeem (SM)

The aim of Siratay Mustaqeem is to promote mosques based prevention program pertaining to drug abuse problems. Based on the teaching of Hazrat Muhammad (p.b.u.h), this approach will help in eradication of addiction in Muslim society. Its aim is to develop support groups at mosques in order to emphasize the role of mosques in dealing social issues as our Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) did. By developing forum of Ulemah and religious people against drugs as well as using mosques as educational institutes, nation will be able to come out from the chain of destruction. Siratay Mustaqeem will also develop strategies to deal with life problems in the light of Quran and Sunnah.

Work Place Against Drug Abuse (WADA)

In order to make workplace drug free, safe and healthy for both employer and employee, WADA is working upon the drug abuse prevention at workplace . WADA will help to over come the problem which are caused  by substance abuse.  Business sector is facing less productivity, poor work and absenteeism as well owing to this social disease. Therefore it is essential to strengthen the workplace environment by targeting this problem.

School Taking Action Not Drugs (STAND)

STAND will work upon schools to save our children from drug abuse problems. Because our children are just like petals who will have to be bloomed like flowers to give fragrance. They are our future builders. By focusing on their emotional/psychological problems and discussing and making them aware of the consequences of drug addiction, they will be taught to stay away from all kinds of addiction.

Society Against Drug Abuse (SADA)

The aim of SADA is to make whole society aware of the hazardous of drug addiction. It will launch awareness- raising campaign via articles/ seminars/publishing research materials and books/ art work/electronic media. It will also developing forum (SADA) including educationists, health professionals/ journalists/artists etc. Furthermore, healthy activities to people would be introduced to adopt a balanced life style.